
How I Became A Wedding Planner

You would not believe if I say that wedding planning wasn’t my first career option, well it was never an option only. The whole confusion with what I wanted to do in my life in respect of career started in my final years of graduation.

I was preparing for MBA entrances but somewhere in my heart the idea of sitting in front of laptop and doing 9-6 job would make me uncomfortable and I could see that I wasn’t motivated enough to give my 100% to my preparation which I in general would have.
One day I stumbled upon an article about MBA in MEDIA MANAGEMENT, and it drew my attention and curiosity at the same time. I gathered all the information I could from the University’s counselor as it was their pilot project (a renowned University though, still I wanted to be cent percent sure). I discussed it with my father, explained him the career options available in media from the business perspective and one day I found myself sitting for its entrance followed by GD and PI. After a month I got my results and voila, I was selected.
After finishing my 2 year course with an amazing internship in news channel where I learnt nothing, it was time to enter the real world of professionalism. I had applied in most of the media houses but nothing worked out for me. And one day, a friend of mine told me about this wedding planning company with job vacancy. Without giving any thought I just applied and went for an interview (ahem, I did preparation for the interview).
Voila! After two days, I got a job offer, and I started my journey as a Wedding Planner. Since then, there’s been no looking back and all sorts of confusions were answered.
Slowly, I realized that deep down this movie of JENNIFER LOPEZ, “THE WEDDING PLANNER”, had made an impact on me and I always wanted to be in the creative field and something which had to do with the weddings. With no proper career guidance and by sheer coincidences and lots of hardships, I managed to end up with that dream job of mine but not everyone gets this luck. What I now feel is that career counseling from school is very much important and also, clarity in your head with what you want to do in life. I know this clarity doesn’t come easily and we all have to go through that period of confusion, but my suggestion for everyone is to maintain a journal. Write down your dreams, no matter how crazy you think it might be and most importantly, BELIEVE in yourself. Well, this might take a lot of courage but trust me, you’ll be happy in the end and you never know whom you might end up inspiring or give that courage to go ahead with their dreams.

The author’s views are personal only.

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