50 Things To Be Grateful For- My Daily Dose For Mental And Physical Strength

Today, I will provide my readers a list of 50 general things that we all should be grateful for in our daily lives.

As I have already mentioned in one of my previous blogs that Gratitude is the fastest and easiest way to attract all good and to fulfil wishes in life. It is my conviction and faith that feeling grateful for even small things puts us on the frequency of elevated emotions such as love, happiness, peace, success etc. As a result, a massive and positive magnetic field is created around our body which attracts the positive situations that are in consonance with our wishes and desires. Also, Gratitude is helpful to us in resolving any problem because feeling grateful for five to ten minutes regularly helps us shift our consciousness and focus from our problem(s) to the ‘haves’ in life. As a consequence, our mind is free for a few minutes and we may open ourselves for divine guidance which is ever ready to help us (this is a gradual process). The divine (does not matter whether you believe it or not) is the source of the abundant supply of all the material things, and is ever ready to guide us spiritually.

Of course, the list below is not exhaustive and dear readers should add more to it as per their individual life. But it is my humble request to surely add the below ones so as to experience the pure bliss and magic of Gratitude. I say so because due to our busy schedules we tend to take certain things for granted and realize their importance once they are taken away from us. Thus, to avoid such a situation, it is necessary that we acknowledge and appreciate their existence and be grateful to the Almighty for blessing us with whatever we have. So here we go:

  1. I am truly grateful to be born as a human being on the beautiful planet Mother Earth. Thank you.
  2. I am truly grateful for all the seen or unseen support and love that I receive from divine power. Thank you.
  3. I am truly grateful for the guidance and protection that I receive from divine power. Thank you.
  4. I am so happy and truly grateful for my healthy body and mind. Thank you.
  5. I am so happy and truly grateful for the food that I eat. Thank you.
  6. I am so happy and truly grateful for the clothes that I wear. Thank you.
  7. I am truly grateful for the education that I have received so far. Thank you.
  8. I am truly grateful for having family/loved ones/friends in my life. Thank you.
  9. I am truly grateful for the support that I receive from my family, friends and loved ones. Thank you.
  10. I am truly grateful for all the privileges, small or big, that help me live a comfortable life. Thank you.
  11. I am so happy and truly grateful for the protection, safety and security of my family, friends and loved ones. Thank you.
  12. I am truly grateful that I am alive. Thank you.
  13. I am truly grateful to my dear Universe for bestowing me, my family and my house with his own peace, love and happiness. Thank you.
  14. I am truly grateful to my dear Universe for bestowing me, my family and my house with his own financial abundance and economic prosperity. Thank you.
  15. I am truly grateful for all the resources that are at my disposal to live a comfortable life. Thank you.
  16. I am truly grateful for the job that I have. Thank you.
  17. I am truly grateful that I am earning money through good and legit sources. Thank you.
  18. I am truly grateful for my creative mind and intelligent brain. Thank you.
  19. I am truly grateful for all the good books that I have read so far as I have gained valuable knowledge from them. Thank you.
  20. I am truly grateful to all the great authors for writing such great books containing a reservoir of knowledge based on their life experience. Thank you.
  21. I am truly grateful to myself for practising faith and gratitude on a daily basis. Thank you.
  22. I am truly grateful for having good colleagues, staff members and seniors at my workplace/office. Thank you.
  23. I am truly grateful for the physical and mental strength that helps me in completing my daily tasks and home chores. Thank you.
  24. I am truly grateful to all my internal organs for functioning perfectly. Thank you.
  25. I am truly grateful to all my external organs for functioning perfectly. Thank you.
  26. I am truly grateful for my healthy heart. Thank you.
  27. I am truly grateful for the beautiful flora and fauna around me. Thank you.
  28. I am truly grateful for the clean water that I have access to in daily life. Thank you.
  29. I am truly grateful for the clean surroundings. Thank you.
  30. I am truly grateful for having good neighbours in my society. Thank you.
  31. I am truly grateful for having my residence in a peaceful locality. Thank you.
  32. I am truly grateful for my beautiful house. Thank you.
  33. I am truly grateful for all the gadgets that I use daily which helps me in completing my professional tasks and all the home chores. Thank you.
  34. I am truly grateful to all the grocery shops nearby my house for providing the best services. Thank you.
  35. I am truly grateful to myself for changing my attitude and approach towards life. Thanks to myself.
  36. I am truly grateful to myself for changing my attitude and approach towards my profession and the legal practice. Thanks to myself.
  37. I am truly grateful to my mentor Mr. Bob Proctor for showing me the alternate way of living a fulfilling life. May his soul rest in peace. Thank you dear Bob.
  38. I am truly grateful for … “dear reader can mention a specific good event that may have happened in her life.”
  39. I am truly grateful for being able to manage my finances efficiently and sufficiently. Thank you.
  40. I am truly grateful to my domestic/house help for rendering her best services and helping my family in completing day to day chores. Thank you.
  41. I am truly grateful for receiving blessings from my loved ones. I am lucky to have them in my life. Thank you all.
  42. I am truly grateful to my dear readers for reading all my blogs and showering their love, and the best wishes upon me. Thank you all.
  43. I am truly grateful to myself for making a habit of writing regularly which is extremely satisfying. Thanks to myself.
  44. I am truly grateful for warm blankets and clothes/Air conditioners and fans for being able to manage the extreme winters/summers. Thank you.
  45. I am truly grateful for each and every magical moment of my life so far. Thank you my lovely Universe.
  46. I am truly grateful for my healthy digestive, muscular, and nervous system. Thank you.
  47. I am truly grateful for my strong immunity. Thank you.
  48. I am truly grateful to all the reasons that keep me happy in life. Thank you.
  49. I am truly grateful for all the challenges that I have faced so far. They have made me what I am today. Thank you so much dear Universe. Thank you.
  50. I am truly grateful for the present moment which is filled with happiness, peace, good health and success. Thank you.

So go ahead and start practising gratitude now. We need energy and strength to live through the challenges that we all face in life. Gratitude is definitely one such source. If any of my dear readers want to know more, kindly drop me a message through the feedback column on my website and I will surely try to address the query. Thank you for your patient reading. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!!

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